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Dokuwiki Editing Tips

Text formatting

Bold text is set off by double asterisks

Italic text is set off by double forward slashes

monospace is set off by double apostrophes

subscript and superscript are delimited by <sub> and <sup> tags

Paragraphs are delimited by blank lines

Linebreaks may be forced by a double backslash plus whitespace or eol


double equals sign → level 5; triple → level 4; quadruple → level 3; level 1 and 2 appear to be reserved.


Unordered lists are created by starting a line with two spaces and an asterisk; additional indenting (in pairs) will indent the list further.

Ordered lists follow the same outlining principles, but use the hyphen rather than a space.

External links are recognized automatically, but may be hidden via link text with double square brackets and a pipe:

[[|This Link points to google]]

produces This Link points to google

Internal links are delimited by double square brackets, with or without a pipe to descriptive text


Images are delimited by double curly braces, possibly modified by the addition of sizing or alignment info.

Alignment is controlled via the use of left or right whitespace (use both for centering)

A trailing pipe is used to delimit the caption within the braces