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Exporting Chrome Browser Passwords to Keepass 1.x


What with retirement of the Palm OS as both a smart phone platform and a sync-able home planner/calendar/database it's taken awhile for me to work up snazzy, effective solutions. One of my primary aggravations was lack of a simple means of securely synchronizing useful information (login and password info mainly, but sometimes just notes) between my current smartphone and the various computers I use.

The current solution: KeePass

I'd been using the latest version (2.17) of KeePass on a work machine for awhile, and decided lately that it was time to stop waiting for a bug-free android app to appear, so this past weekend, I installed KeePass 1.21 on my various home machines, and KeePass Droid on my smartphone.

Although the KeePass Droid page mentions that it supports 2.x .kdbx databases, anecdotal reports of smartphone users experiencing data corruption and other issues has prompted me to stick with 1.x for now.

As noted on the KeePass Droid page, Dropbox makes an excellent solution for synchronizing the database between various clients, and using it was a no brainer for me, since I already had it installed. One worry yet to be addressed is how the clients will deal with a database being left open on one machine when another attempts access. Sure to be revealed!

Importing Firefox data into KeePass

Import from Firefox was darn simple … just followed the instructions at where

Importing Chrome data into KeePass

Import from Chrome was slightly more troublesome; here's the path I followed, modified somewhat from instructions posted at the Tech Correspondent Blog for performing a csv import. My motivation for deviating was the fact that it wasn't really too hard to import the data as XML instead, particularly since the format is specified by KeePass, and a sample XML file is easily available. Here's what I did:

(Note that ChromePass offers to save as a KeePass 1.x-compatible csv file, but that option was rejected with unspecified errors when I tried to actually import into KeePass)

Note that if “item” occurs in any other location, this substitution will cause you some grief! Somewhat safer would be to replace <item> and </item> instead…