Table of Contents

Reference Equipment List

Presented for ease in usage for cut/paste into SRCCHAIN and XFRCHAIN tags.


Listed by Manufacturer name.
Links to Manufacturer sites may eventually be added to this list, but have been omitted for expediency.

Mics A-B

Mics, C-M

Mics, N-R

Mics, S-Z

Pre-amps, Mic Power Supplies and Mixers

Ostensibly, these items follow microphones in the recording source chain.

Pre-amps, etc, A-O

Pre-amps, etc, P-Z

A>D and format converters

These could have been tossed into the last major section (other hardware), but well, they started out in a separate list, so separate they remain!

Other I/O Devices & Cables

Most every other sort of recording gear (except for computer soundcards) is tossed into this section, perhaps with one or more that ought to be listed previously instead.

Other Items, A-I

Other Items, J-R

Other Items, S

Other Items, T-Z

A Few Other Miscellaneous Sources

Computer Soundcards, A-M

Computer Soundcards, N-Z

Computer Software

Software, A-D

Software, E-H

Software, I-R

Software, S

Software, T-W

Software, X-Z

So What the Hell?

If you're baffled by this lengthy list, that's OK. At some point, this page will be updated with better explanation and instructions for how this might be useful. Until then, it's yet another example of how the Internet is populated with pages full of inscrutable crap.