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Amadou & Mariam at Miner Auditorium, March 19, 2023

SFJAZZ presents Amadou & Mariam
Robert M. Miner Auditorium
SFJAZZ Center, 205 Franklin St, San Francisco, CA 94102 USA
7:00 PM, Sunday, March 19, 2023

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One Set

[7:03 PM] {lights down; band out one-by-one without introduction}

  1. [7:04 PM] Ta Promesse
    [7:11 PM] {banter}
  2. [7:12 PM] Batoma
    [7:16 PM] {banter}
  3. [7:17 PM] C'est Chaud
    [7:22 PM] {banter}
  4. [7:23 PM] Gnaramina
    [7:29 PM] {banter}
  5. [7:30 PM] Yiki Yassa
    [7:35 PM] {WK intro story}
  6. [7:36 PM] Wily Kataso
    [7:42 PM] {MD off}
    [7:42 PM] {banter}
  7. [7:43 PM] Masiteladi
    [7:51 PM] {banter}
  8. [7:51 PM] Dogons
    [7:57 PM] {MD back – in a new dress; banter}
  9. [7:59 PM] Bofou Safou
    [8:02 PM] {band introduction; thanks to crew & help}
  10. [8:05 PM] Sabali
    [8:09 PM] {banter}
  11. [8:09 PM] Africa
    [8:18 PM] {banter}
  12. [8:19 PM] Coulibaly
  13. [8:23 PM] La Réalité
    [8:30 PM] {set ends; waves & bows; all off}

  14. [8:33 PM] Je Pense à Toi (I Think of You)
    [8:38 PM] {banter}
  15. [8:38 PM] La Paix
  16. [8:46 PM] Beaux Dimanches
    [8:53 PM] {final applause; group bow; all off}
    [8:54 PM] {lights up!}


Amadou & Mariam


Tonight's set was slightly different than the Friday's Live stream: good enough for me!

It was nutty how long it took the audience to get up and dance tonight. Must have been Sunday lethargy or something.

Nearly all of the banter tonight was in French; I could pick up a word here and there, but not enough to make much sense of things. One more thing for my list of things to learn eventually!

It was interesting how much Miriam tried to get folks singing along – my impression is that she simply assumed we all knew their songs, and wanted to participate.


Big thanks to Ting for the photo gallery!

Whoa! This section is incomplete for now, sorry!

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