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the Headhunters at Joe Henderson Lab, October 23, 2022

SFJAZZ presents the Headhunters featuring Mike Clark, Donald Harrison, and Bill Summers
Joe Henderson Lab
SFJAZZ Center, 205 Franklin St, San Francisco, CA 94102 USA
Late Show 7:30 PM, Sunday, October 23, 2022

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One Set

[7:30 PM] {MC & CS onstage}
[7:33 PM] {rest of the band out; lights!; house announcements}

  1. [7:35 PM] Loft Funk
    [7:49 PM] {BS yack; band introduction; MC Mole House explanation}
  2. [7:53 PM] (DH Mardi Gras Indian chant: ?Kongo Square) » [7:56 PM] Rocking at the Mole House
    [8:05 PM] {CS swaps to contrabass; more BS yack}
  3. [8:06 PM] Actual Proof
    [8:19 PM] {CS back to 7-string bass; add ?Will Rock?}
    04. [8:20 PM] (BS vocal blessing)
  4. [8:22 PM] (BS percussion blessing)
  5. [8:25 PM] Watermelon Man
    [8:31 PM] {more BS}
  6. [8:34 PM] Chameleon
    [8:37 PM] {all done}
    [8:38 PM] {MC recognizes Greg Errico; BS merch pitch}
    [8:39 PM] {PA up, lights up: go home!}



Man that was a good show! Too bad they didn't get a full evening in Miner Auditorium: an hour in the Henderson Lab is just too short!


Big thanks to Ting for the photo gallery!

Whoa! This section is incomplete for now, sorry!

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