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Cécile McLorin Salvant at Miner Auditorium, February 13, 2022

SFJAZZ presents Cécile McLorin Salvant
Robert M. Miner Auditorium
SFJAZZ Center, 205 Franklin St, San Francisco, CA 94102 USA
7:00 PM, Sunday, February 13, 2022

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One Set

[7:06 PM] {lights down, announcements, performers out}

  1. [7:07 PM] Fog (CMS)
    [7:15 PM] {CMS banter}
  2. [7:18 PM] Obligation (CMS)
    [7:21 PM] {CMS banter}
  3. [7:23 PM] Pirate Jenny (Weill)
    [7:30 PM] {CMS banter}
  4. [7:31 PM] Mista (Reeves)
    [7:43 PM] {CMS banter}
  5. [7:45 PM] Bread and Gravy (Carmichael)
    [7:51 PM] {CMS banter}
  6. [7:52 PM] Until (Sting)
    [8:03 PM] {CMS banter}
  7. [8:03 PM] the World Is Mean (Weill)
    [8:08 PM] {CMS banter}
  8. [8:09 PM] Ghost Song (CMS)
    [8:13 PM] {set ends}

  9. [8:15 PM] Over the Rainbow (Harburg) »
  10. [8:19 PM] If I Only Had a Brain (Harburg) »
  11. [8:23 PM] No Love Dying (Porter)
    [8:30 PM] {final applause; show ends after another minute or so}



What a show! It goes without saying that I'll try to see Cécile McLorin Salvant every time I can, but within the setting of last night's ensemble, Sullivan Fortner was the one who continually surprised me. I think I better put him on that “must see” list too!

Andrew Gilbert posted a review of Friday night's show. That one was streamed live, and ought to be available for on-demand viewing for awhile via SFJAZZ Digital.


Big thanks to Ting for the photo gallery!

Whoa! This section is incomplete for now, sorry!

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