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Tigran Hamasyan & Areni Agbabian at Miner Auditorium, October 24, 2019

SFJAZZ presents Tigran Hamasyan & Areni Agbabian
Robert M. Miner Auditorium
SFJAZZ Center, 205 Franklin St, San Francisco, CA 94102 USA
7:30 PM, Thursday, October 24, 2019

Back to the previous event!Up to the 2019 yearbox!Up to the 2019 event list!On to the next event!

One Set

[7:34 PM; lights down; announcements from Randall Kline; waiting]

  1. [7:39 PM] (unidentified tune #1)
    [7:51 PM; pause to seat the stragglers]
  2. [7:51 PM] (unidentified tune: mostly loops)
  3. [8:01 PM] (unidentified tune: prepared piano)
    [8:11 PM; TH introduces AA]
  4. [8:11 PM] (unidentified tune: lead & follow)
  5. [8:22 PM] (unidentified tune: loops > piano > loops)
  6. [8:37 PM] (unidentified tune: beatboxing)
    [set ends 8:52 PM; bows and then off]

    1st Encore
  7. [8:54 PM] (unidentified tune: TH lead vox; singing in Armenian)
    [ends 8:59 PM; bows and then off, but the audience doesn't leave, and just keeps clapping for more]

    2nd Encore
    [TH thanks us for the warm welcome; introduces the next tune as one by Komitas]
  8. [9:01 PM] (unidentified tune #2)
    [show ends 9:12 PM; final bows and then off for good]



We arrive at SFJAZZ and head upstairs. Midway up, I spot the red strip closing off the balcony stairs. Dang! Another show where they'll be reseating us? This time I head downstairs to the box office instead of trying to make a deal with the ushers upstairs and their fistsful of side-angle seating. One of the employees waves me over and greets me. I explain my predicament, and he offers multiple excellent choices. Yay! He reseats me in the center of row J. Just exactly perfect!

Whoa! This section is incomplete for now, sorry!

Andrew Gilbert posted a promo article for the “ECM fest” at SFCV.

Lily O'Brien posted an article about Tigran at SFCV.


Today's photo gallery comes from ol' squinty!

Whoa! This section is incomplete for now, sorry!

Back to the previous event!Up to the 2019 yearbox!Up to the 2019 event list!On to the next event!