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Rebeca Mauleón at Bing Concert Hall on April 10, 2019

Stanford Live presents their 2019-20 Season Announcement, featuring Rebeca Mauleón
Bing Concert Hall
Stanford University, 327 Lasuen St, Stanford, CA
6:00 PM, Wednesday, April 10, 2019
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One Set

[6:05 PM lights down; Chris Lorway runs through highlights of the coming season – lots of special one-off events to pick from!]
[6:30 PM; Chris invites Rebeca Mauleón to the stage; RM talks awhile about cuban jazz piano history]

  1. [6:34 PM] Los Tres Golpes (Ignacio Cervantes)
    [Rebeca talks about Leucona]
  2. [6:36 PM] Danzas Afro-Cubanas La Comparsa (Ernesto Leucona) a la Bebo Valdés
    [Rebeca talks about Chucho]
  3. [6:41 PM] Tres Palabras (Osvaldo Farrés) »
  4. [6:43 PM] Ponle La Clave (Put The Time On It) (Chucho Valdés)
    [set ends 6:46 PM]
    [Q&A with Chris & Rebeca through 7 PM]



As you can see from the schedule above, this was a pretty short event. I knew that ahead of time, and normally would have skipped it, but I had a few errands to do that sort of got me headed towards Stanford, so I figured, eh, why not make it work!

Got to campus quite early – just after 4 PM – and decided to kill time by walking around. Made a huge walking loop, and amused myself by noting how vastly different things are compared to my time there in the early to mid '80's. Basically, there seem to be 2-3x as many buildings as there used to be, with plenty of deletions of old buildings. Made for a very interesting experience, as I alternated between the familiar and the new.

Chris' talk about the season was interesting – lots of tempting stuff on the schedule! – but getting stuck in traffic on the drive home put a huge damper on my overall interest-level. It's no fun to spend more than two hours in thick traffic for a show that lasts hardly more than an hour total. Gotta weigh that factor against the one-off excitement of the program offerings…

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