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Jerry Day 2016 Celebration featuring the Lady Crooners at Jerry Garcia Amphitheatre, August 14, 2016

San Francisco Parks Alliance presents Jerry Day 2016 featuring the Lady Crooners
Jerry Garcia Amphitheatre
McLaren Park, San Francisco, CA 94121 USA
11:30 AM, Sunday, August 14, 2016

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Set One: the Lady Crooners


the Lady Crooners


Is there any surprise that we arrived late? Summer Sunday, and traffic is a mess, like usual. Took us about an hour to navigate the Maze and cross the bay bridge – just about right for a normal morning commute, I suppose, but tedious when you expect everyone to be home relaxing on a weekend! Happily, traffic cleared up quite a bit by the time we touched down on the San Francisco side, and the last little bit of driving was relatively stress free, though Mansell St was a mess due to some sort of civil engineering project that had the usual west-bound lanes completely blocked off. Even more happily, as we turned into the West-side arm of John F Shelley Drive (above the Jerry Garcia Amphitheater, topologically), we were greeted by an optimally-placed vacant parking spot. Perfect! Very nice of the parking angels to make room for us this morning!

Sadly, we missed most all of the opening set from the Lady Crooners, but I liked what we heard on our walk in from the car, and their set-closing rendition of Brokedown Palace was exquisite! I look forward to getting to hear them again sometime soon.

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