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Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 at Miner Auditorium, June 19, 2014

SFJAZZ presents Seun Kuti & Egypt 80
Miner Auditorium
SFJAZZ Center, 205 Franklin St, San Francisco, CA
7:30 PM, Thursday, June 19, 2014

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One Set

[7:31 PM lights down, announcements by Randall Kline]

  1. [7:37 PM; no SK] Ohun Auye (KJ)
  2. [7:42 PM; +SK] VIP
  3. [7:57 PM] African Airways
  4. [8:12 PM] IMF
  5. [8:19 PM] Black Woman
  6. [8:36 PM] African Smoke
  7. [8:47 PM] Higher Consciousness
  8. [8:58 PM] Kalakuta Boy
    [9:12 PM set ends after announcements from conga player - ?Wale]
  9. [9:15 PM] You Can Run
    [show ends 9:24 PM]


Seun Kuti & Egypt 80

Seun Kuti & Egypt 80


Although the house staff seemed slightly more prepared for a dancing crowd tonight than they were for MM&W+S on Tuesday, t thought that their effort at crowd control was still somewhat of a fiasco. My overall take is that they shouldn't book high energy, dance-inducing acts if they aren't prepared to manage the crowd and behaviors that acts like that attract. Thankfully, the ushers assigned to the balcony left us alone, so we were free to dance and enjoy the show without undue interference from the no-fun police!

Seun certainly put a ton of effort into his performance: dancing, jumping, and running about like a wild man. He might have started out the night in a snazzy suit, but by the end he was a shirtless, shiny mess, leaving a trail of perspiration behind wherever he went. Before transforming into the sweaty wild man, Seun took several opportunities to talk to the crowd, sometimes offering extended introductions to the tunes, and other times, just talking, as if hanging out and shooting the breeze with friends. Made for a more engaging experience, that's for sure!

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