====== Theme Notes ====== So far as I can tell, the documentation for theming a dokuwiki implementation is as sketchy and incomplete as any other open source project. In order to facilitate my own alterations, particular in the future when changes or other improvements are desired, this page is to serve as a reference for how, where and what files hold what information. ====== AdoraDark Template ====== As noted elsewhere, I finally (Aug 2013) got around to trying out a new template: adoradark. I like the dark look, but I'm not so enthusiastic about the lack of obvious tweakability (eg., the template seems to be an all or nothing choice without simple user config options). Oh well. Time to dive back into the dokuwiki documentation and see how it goes from there! After a few hours of goofing around, I'm pretty happy … all I really want to do is to find a good way to replace the wiki logo up in the corner so that my owner-specified logo doesn't get overwritten the next time I swap templates or upgrade the wiki software. I'm not sure the solution I used qualifies as a good fix, but I'm willing to wait until the next upgrade to find out. For now, only two gripes are yet pending on my short list, and neither has anything to do with the template: - I'm still unable to insert html entities – such code is interpreted literally rather than being transmuted into the appropriate glyphs – further investigation is needed in order to figure out whether this is due to dokuwiki markup or my addition of markdown formatting, but either way, it's a bummer, since I want to be able to decorate my pages a bit. - I haven't yet figured a workaround to allow me to style the same heading with different glyphs … if I were coding directly, I could use css class-ids, but that option appears to be unavailable with dokuwiki markup. I'm sure I'll find a solution sooner or later … just takes patience, right? So it turns out that because Dokuwiki automatically generates class ids for headers, I can use my custom css to style things in all kinds of crazy ways. This is good. Time to get back to content entry instead of mucking about with the background workings. Conclusions: * High level style changes go into .../lib/tpl/adoradark-c4c6621/style.local.ini -- What have I done? changed the border color from hex f90 to hex fc0 (changed from orange to a more golden color). * Lower (line-level) style changes go into .../conf/userstyle.css -- This is where all the setlist text-decoration elements are. Other userstyle changes include the following: * removing list backgrounds * shifting the location of the user tools panel * heading leader adjustments * minor tweaks to lighten link colors (lightening them ~50% to show better against the dark page background) * customization to format div.wip_div similar to the adoradark template * floating the TOC so that it appears approximately fixed relative to the page tools -- I gave up on this after realizing that it breaks the mobile layout (by fixing the TOC instead of floating it to the top and then allowing it to toggle on/off via a user-click). ====== Taratasy Template ====== This theme abandoned around August 2013 in favor of Drew Prentice's more modern AdoraDark template. Subsequent comments left here on the off chance that I might need to review the info at a future date. ===== Where to Find Stuff ===== Text and link colors are assigned via ./lib/tpl/taratasy/style.ini According to a comment in the head of the file, additional css customization is supposed to go into ./lib/tpl/taratasy/css/custom.css rather than other template files ===== Changes in style.ini ===== * changed %%__text_neu%% from %%#666%% to %%#444%% (hoping to change coloration of headings)< * increased %%__site_width__%% from 72em to 96 em< * decreased %%__sidebar_width__%% from 18em to 6 em (probably change it back once I start using a sidebar!)< ===== Changes in colourblue.css ===== * Set the background-image < * Darkened the default link coloration, from %%#5F4A1E%% to %%#46321E%%< ===== Changes in custom.css ===== * Increased the max-width attribute of %%#dokuwiki__site%% .wrapper from 64em to 80em < * Changes to basic.css < * decreased line-height property for all headings from 1.5em to 1em < * increased padding-top for all headings from 0 to 1em < * Changes to the TOC < * Added position: fixed; bottom: 3.5em; left: 0em; to the properties of %%.dokuwiki div.toc%% in order to fix the TOC to the lower left corner< * Increased the width of that element from 12em to 18em< * Added opacity: 0.7; to the properties of %%.dokuwiki #toc__inside%% < * Added padding: 0.75em 0.25em 0.25em 0.75em; to the properties of %%.dokuwiki #toc__inside ul%% < * Added margin-left: 11.5em; to %%.mode_show #dokuwiki__content .pad%% to keep the TOC clear of the page content< * Changes to the Footer < * Darkened the font (given in %%#dokuwiki__footer .doc%%) from %%#CCC%% to %%#AAA%% for easier legibility against the current background image.< * Reduced the margin_bottom of %%#dokuwiki__footer%% from 1em to 0.< ===== Fancier mods ===== No doubt, these will be wiped out upon upgrading the dw engine ... all the better to document the changes before that happens! ==== Changes to dw/inc/form.php ==== * Increased the default height of form_makeWikiText from 10 rows to 40 in order to make more effective use of the screen.< ==== Changes to dw/lib/plugins/lists/style.css ==== * Disabled the background property for all lists (was %%#FFF%%).< ===== Problems Still to Be Sorted Out ===== Nothing major noted at present, yeah! Looks like the lists plugin messes with the text background (adding an unwanted one to new lists). ==== Niceties to Improve the Editing Experience ==== * Why no shortcuts toolbar (for setting text as bold, italic, etc)? < ===== Other To Do Items ===== ? Nothing for now 80 col ruler:\\ 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234567890123456789 123456789 123456789 1234567890 120 col ruler:\\ 123456789 123456789 123456789 1234567890123456789 123456789 123456789 1234567890123456789 123456789 123456789 1234567890