# Goose at Frost Amphitheatre, September 28, 2024 [{{:2024:2024-09:20240928_logo.png?300|Goose logo}}] [Stanford University Live](https://www.axs.com/events/539032/goose-tickets?skin=fairaxsrsv) presents [Goose](https://goosetheband.com/) [Frost Amphitheatre](https://live.stanford.edu/venues/frost-amphitheater) [Stanford University, 351 Lasuen St, Stanford, CA 94305 USA](http://maps.google.com/maps?q=Stanford+University,+351+Lasuen+St,+Stanford,+CA+94305+USA&hl=en) 6:30 PM, Saturday, September 28, 2024 [[2024-09-27|Back to the previous event!]] ☸ [[:#section2024|Up to the 2024 yearbox!]] ☸ [[:2024#September_events|Up to the 2024 event list!]] ☸ [[:2024:2024-10:2024-10-04|On to the next event!]] [{{:2024:2024-09:20240928_promo.jpg?300|Promo art for this gig}}] ## Set One [6:25 PM] {"in the event of emergency" announcement} [6:50 PM] {performers out; PA: alright SF, how ya doing?} 01. [6:51 PM] _Animal_ 02. [7:04 PM] _California Magic_ 03. [7:10 PM] _Silver Rising_ 04. [7:20 PM] _Feel It Now_ (PA) [7:29 PM] {PA: how's it going?} 05. [7:30 PM] _Rockdale_ [7:45 PM] {dead air} 06. [7:45 PM] _Fish in the Sea_ » 07. [7:58 PM] _Thatch_ [8:14 PM] {set ends} [{{:2024:2024-09:20240928_poster.jpg?300|today's poster}}] ## Set Two [8:41 PM] {lights down, performers out} 01. [8:42 PM] _Arrow_ » 02. [8:59 PM] _Travelers_ » 03. [9:09 PM] _Elmeg the Wise_ [9:27 PM] {full stop; pause for a breath or two} 04. [9:29 PM] _Hungersite_ [9:43 PM] {all off} **Encore** [9:46 PM] {PA: thx to all; biggest crowd ever for Colo-fornia (sic)} 05. [9:47 PM] _Empress of Organos_ [9:59 PM] {show ends; bow up front; all off!} [{{:2024:2024-09:20240928_poster_blue.jpg?300|blue variant of today's poster}}] ## Performers [Goose](https://goosetheband.com/) * Peter Anspach: keyboards, guitar, vox; * Jeff Arevalo: percussion; * Cotter Ellis: drums; * Trevor Weekz: 5-string bass; * Rick Mitarotonda: guitar, vox. ## Notes Saturday traffic is sort of a mess, but we're not really in a rush, so I veg out and groove on tunes while we inch our way down to Palo Alto for tonight's show. Parking is really easy, and because we're a few minutes after for time, there's no line at all when we walk up to the venue: perfect! Walking inside, the lower bowl is already about 2/3 full, and primo spots in the upper bowl are getting claimed too. We walk over to the soundboard, then cut down towards the stage, stopping at a clear spot in what normally would be the center aisle: 8 steps up from the pit, and 6 steps down from the main cross aisle. Good enough for a slacker's effort! Looking around, it's of that we don't see all that many familiar faces. There are certainly plenty of heads here, but the Terrapin Nation is suspiciously absent! My guess is that a decent contingent is up in Berkeley for Hot Tuna, and another faction is just up the street, waiting for Melvin Seals and JGB at the Guild Theatre. Both excellent options, but not announced until after we committed to tonight's Frost show. No biggie: I'm long past worrying about whether any particular nights musical adventure is the best option... Only that it's good enough to rock my socks off! I'm happy to have recognized the first two songs of the show, but my song-ID skills fail after that: although I recognize a few songs as things I've heard, I have no idea what they're called, and the vocal blend from the PA is unhelpfully indistinct. Hopefully it's not my ears! By the end of set one the venue has really filled up. It's not so crowded as to be uncomfortable, but there isn't much free space left: it's all filled up with twirlers & dancers! Set two is a blast, and while the 10 PM curfew isn't unexpected, it's still a disappointment when the proceedings grind to a halt at 9:59 PM. Damn you anti-fun anti-noise enforcers!! Wanna listen to the show? You can, for free! Head over to [Bandcamp](https://goosetheband.bandcamp.com/album/2024-09-28-frost-amphitheater-stanford-ca). ## Photos Big thanks to Ting for the photo gallery! {{gallery>:2024:2024-09?20240928-*.jpg}} {{:wip.png?nolink}} **Whoa!** This section is incomplete for now, sorry! {{:wip.png?nolink}} {{tag>music Goose Frost_Amphitheatre Peter_Anspach Jeff_Arevalo Cotter_Ellis Trevor_Weekz Rick_Mitarotonda}} [[2024-09-27|Back to the previous event!]] ☸ [[:#section2024|Up to the 2024 yearbox!]] ☸ [[:2024#September_events|Up to the 2024 event list!]] ☸ [[:2024:2024-10:2024-10-04|On to the next event!]]