# Sunday Daydream Vol. 4 at McNear's Beach, August 18, 2024 [Terrapin Crossroads](https://www.sundaydaydream.com/) presents Sunday Daydream Vol. 4 featuring [Phil Lesh](http://www.phillesh.net/) & Friends, the [Sam Grisman Project](https://www.samgrismanproject.net/), [Wolf Jett](https://www.wolfjett.com/) with special guest [Alex Jordan](https://www.facebook.com/alexjordanmusicpage), and [Jon Chi](http://www.jonchi.com/?page_id=94) [McNear's Beach](https://www.parks.marincounty.org/parkspreserves/parks/mcnears-beach) [201 Cantera Way, San Rafael, CA 94901 USA](http://maps.google.com/maps?q=201+Cantera+Way,+San+Rafael,+CA+94901+USA&hl=en) 11:00 AM, Sunday, August 18, 2024 [[2024-08-17-2|Back to the previous event!]] ☸ [[:#section2024|Up to the 2024 yearbox!]] ☸ [[:2024#August_events|Up to the 2024 event list!]] ☸ [[2024-08-21|On to the next event!]] [{{:2024:2024-08:20240818_banner.jpg?470|promo banner}}] ## Schedule for the day * 11:30 AM – 12:15 PM ☸ [Jon Chi](http://www.jonchi.com/?page_id=94) with special guests on the "Keep It Weird "Acoustic Bar Stage * [12:15 PM – 1:15 PM](:2024:2024-08:2024-08-18-1) ☸ [Wolf Jett](https://www.wolfjett.com/) with special guest [Alex Jordan](https://www.facebook.com/alexjordanmusicpage) on the Main Stage * 1:15 PM – 2:00 PM ☸ [Jon Chi](http://www.jonchi.com/?page_id=94) with special guests on the "Keep It Weird "Acoustic Bar Stage * [2:00 PM – 3:15 PM](:2024:2024-08:2024-08-18-2) ☸ [Sam Grisman Project](https://www.samgrismanproject.net/) on the Main Stage * 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM ☸ [Jon Chi](http://www.jonchi.com/?page_id=94) with special guests on the "Keep It Weird "Acoustic Bar Stage * [4:00 PM – 6:00 PM](:2024:2024-08:2024-08-18-3) ☸ [Phil Lesh](http://www.phillesh.net/) & Friends on the Main Stage ## Notes Despite yesterday's late night, we rally for today's big show, leaving the house around 7:30 or so, and arriving at McNear's around 8:15. It's such an easy trip when the roads are relatively empty! Juanita and Cynthia are the only folks in line when we drive up. Good to see friends right away! The park rangers are way more organized than last month, with multiple info stations set up to direct people as they arrive. 9:45 and there's still only a half dozen folks in the VIP line. Maybe two dozen GA. I'm beginning to sense a distinct lack of motivation on the part of the tribe today! Must be too many distractions (like getting some sleep!). The weather right now is very nice: sunny and no wind, yay! 11:45 and I'm ready to rock! Getting in was a breeze, and we claimed the same rail spots as last month. The stage is pushed forward about 6 feet compared to last time, so today we're seated on the paved walkway instead of the grassy verge. Not particularly psyched to be dancing on pavement, but you can't fret about things that aren't under your control, right? This location turns out to be a problem later in the day when Luna, the festival director, belatedly realizes that there needs to be an ADA access aisle, but she lets us keep our space, squeezing towards the stage rail and making room for wheeled festival-goers behind us. All's well that ends well, right? ## Photos Big thanks to Ting for the photo gallery! {{gallery>:2024:2024-08?20240818-*.jpg}} {{:wip.png?nolink}} **Whoa!** This section is incomplete for now, sorry! {{:wip.png?nolink}} {{tag>music Phil_Lesh_&_Friends Sam_Grisman_Project Wolf_Jett Alex_Jordan Jon_Chi McNear's_Beach }} [[2024-08-17-2|Back to the previous event!]] ☸ [[:#section2024|Up to the 2024 yearbox!]] ☸ [[:2024#August_events|Up to the 2024 event list!]] ☸ [[2024-08-21|On to the next event!]]