As in many years past, this one started off with a few days of rain.
My desk in the Fairchild Building looks westward, out towards the foothills,
so I often get a view of weather coming in from the ocean. Today was kind
of gloomy and dry until late in the afternoon, when we finally got a good
Fortunately, today's commute was really light, and the bad weather
blew off instead of snarling things up. Although we didn't make it to Yoshi's
until 6:30 or so -- a bit later than my 6 pm target -- we were lucky enough
to find a pair of seats open in the front row (yeah!), and that left us
plenty of time to eat a splendiferous sushi dinner before the show began.
This time around, the group consisted of: Geri Allen: piano; Larry
Grenadier: bass; and Billy Hart: drums.
Philip Ellwood wrote a nice review of the set for the S.F.Chronicle:
Spellbinding tribute to Billy
Higgins Charles Lloyd didn't say a word.
It was certainly fun seeing Charles again, but we were still pretty
wiped out from the assorted New Year's Festivities, so we split after the
early show ended instead of waiting outside to re-enter for the late show.
Hopefully Charles will be back for more shows later in the year!