Lunch with Emmanuel
February 29th, 2001
@ Redwood City, CA
All Photos © 2001 Ting Vogel
Emmanuel & Justin

So you are probably wondering why "Lunch with Emmanuel" has no pictures of the restaurant or scrumptious-looking food.Well, that is because the highlight of the lunch was when Emmanuel had to drop by his house afterwards so he can checkout the new paint job in bright sunlight. His wife Meg was home overseeing the painters with his son Justin. Justin is huge for a one-year old! But that is of course to be expected given that Emmanuel is 6 foot 4 inches tall.

The house is painted a light grey. Emmanuel said that they had expected it to be darker, but the paint color on a house is never what you expect it to look like. They will be contrasting the color with white trim. Without the trim, the color is almost white, but next to a white slab, the grey comes through.

Emmanuel and I have lunch once a month. Usually we go to Mime's where he'd order a "cheeseburger - rare - no mayo, cheddar (pronounced "ched-DAH" with his French accent") and a salad. He used to always order fries until he became health conscious. Now he just eats mine in addition to his salad. So much for being health conscious! The wait staff knows his order by heart. I am a little less predictable. Mime's has a good variety and I am trying to make my way around their menu so I would have eventually tried everything on it.

Emmanuel is my mentor at work. Everyone at Tumbleweed is assigned a social mentor when they start. Most mentors would take their mentee out to lunch the first day and never make contact again afterwards. Emmanuel and I kept our mentor/mentee relationship. He was an Engineering Manager when I started at Tumbleweed. Now he is a VP. Although as far as I am concerned, he is still the same Emmanuel I have always known. When stuff comes up at work, I can always talk to Emmanuel about it and he'd give me some good pointers. It helps make the politics more bearable to be able to talk to someone about it that can provide good guidance.

Meg & Justin